Harpeth Hall School, Yearbook (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Harpeth Hall School, Yearbook (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Milestones 2004 (2004). Four institutions with a related history provided secondary and higher education to young women in Nashville, TN from 1865 to the present. W.E. Ward&apos;s Seminary for Young Ladies operated from 1865-1913, and published its yearbook The Iris from 1900-1913.<br><br> Belmont College for Young Women operated from 1890-1913, and published its yearbooks Aitrop in 1904 and Milady in Brown from 1905-1913. They merged to created the Ward-Belmont School, which operated from 1913-1951 and published its yearbook Milestones from 1914-1951. The school reorganized as The Harpeth Hall School, an all-girls college preparatory high school. Harpeth Hall established a new campus in 1951 and continued publishing its yearbook Milestones from 1951-present. A middle school was added in 1968.
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