York 1822 Hist, Dir & Gazetteer, Volume 1, West Riding
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York 1822 Hist, Dir & Gazetteer, Volume 1, West Riding
809 résultats
York 1822 Hist, Dir & Gazetteer v1 West Riding. 1822. <p>This CD contains the first of two volumes detailing the history of York County. The full title of the original volume is ?the History,<br><br> Directory and Gazetteer of the County of York with select lists of the merchants and traders of London and the principle commercial and manufacturing towns of England; and a variety of other commercial information: also a copious list of the Nobility and Gentry of Yorkshire in two volumes, illustrated by maps, plans &c.?</p> <p>This is the author?s first attempt to present to the public a popular history of Yorkshire, with a directory of its inhabitants, pointing out the precise situation of every town, village and hamlet in the county, from its settlement to the present day in 1822.</p>
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