Dunglison's Medical Dictionary
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Dunglison's Medical Dictionary
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Dunglison&apos;s Medical Dictionary. Robley Dunglison, M.D., LL.D.. (1865) 2006. This compendious volume is far more than a dictionary, providing a wide range of medical information as it was known at the end of the Civil War.<br><br> The author has added much to this second edition of his work, and has designed it to be "A French As Well As An English Medical Lexicon."<br>There are many areas of terminology included here, included anatomy, chemistry, herbal medicine, pharmacology, and many more. Latin and French forms of many words are given, and Latin and Greek etymologies are also frequent. There are also unexpected data sets dispersed through the volume in their proper alphabetic place, such as spas and health resorts, both in Europe and in the United States, or the terminology used in various magical systems of healing.<br>Many of the medicines and medical conditions covered by this volume have multiple names, sometimes dozens, in England, French and Latin. Each of these names appears in its proper place in the alphabet, with a cross-reference to the appropriate main entry, where one finds not only the definition but a complete compilation of all the variant names. This feature especially will be very helpful in understanding causes of death as they may be entered in various public and private records.<br>In many instances, the entries carry on for a page or more, providing information that one would expect to find in an encyclopedia rather than a dictionary. For example, the entry for "Artery" covers a page and a half, while the entry for "Cinchona" and its derivatives spans more than a page and describes the many types and uses of the bark of this tree.
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